About the Choir
Membership in The Chorale, a mixed choir of men and women, is open to soprano, alto, tenor and bass voices with previous singing experience (high school choir and church choirs count!) This exciting group of talented musicians love to sing and enjoy making music together.
We sing music from all genres; traditional choral music, opera, Broadway and pop, are just a few of our favorites.
Directed by Kelli Falls
Assistant Director – TBD
Collaborative Pianist – Sarah Hamilton
When We Rehearse
Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings, 7:15-9:15pm at Brighton High School.
Additional Opportunities
Encore, a select ensemble from within the Chorale that meets every week from 6:15-7:00pm
Just Too Sharp, a select ensemble from within the Chorale that sings A Cappella music and meets every week from 6:15-7:00pm
Join the Choir & Voice Part Confirmation with Kelli
We are currently accepting singers for our next session.
If you haven’t sung with us yet, please email Kelli at to set up a time to confirm your part.
Recommended donation fees, music fees and recording fees are due at time of registration.
What Our Members are Saying…
“Singing in a choir, at least for me, is connecting to a group in a way I never imagined. To be connect to others through the music, its tempo, words & harmonies. To function as a single entity, unified in purpose. There is nothing else like it in the world and I always end up feeling better after rehearsal then when I went in.” – Larry Job
“Singing and music are forever!” – Lyn Melton
“Singing in Chorale fills a part of my soul like nothing else.” – Kevin Spiegelberg
“I was a shower singer until about 20 years ago. With the help of the directors of the Chorale over those years I have been able to learn about music and vocal music in particular. I have also made some very good friends and hope to make more friends in the next few years. I have enjoyed myself very much.” – Tom Doane
“The Chorale is a great group of fun people who love making beautiful music together!” – Bev Woodard
“Love is the Joy of many Souls Singing together, and in return sharing this Love with Our fellow Man!” – Mary Kyser
“I love to sing, but I’ve always been intimidated by sight reading music. Singing with the Chorale has given me more confidence, improved my singing skills (and sight reading skills) and introduced me to a fun, musical community. I love the brain-building challenge of learning new music every semester.” – Mary Alice Galloway
“I walked out of high school and out of choir in 1990. Twenty-five years later I walked into the practice room for the Livingston County Chorale and was home again. The singers were all welcoming and the directors encouraging. The room is full of love and friendship when we are at practice.” – Steve Hoyer
“Don’t stop the music after high school!!! Come sing with us Tuesday nights…best night of the week!” – Jan Clay
“Learning to sing music is one strategy for keeping your mind sharp.” – Ellen Smith
“Making “joyful noises” with this choir fills my heart and soul with joy and peace, as well as keeping my mind keen and sharp!” – Marie Schlepers
“Being in choir is the best time of day because who can sing when they aren’t happy?” – Karla Macelli
“I am ALWAYS in a better place after singing with the choir!” Larry
“I already have a testimonial on tap, but I also want to say that I love singing with the chorale because of you, Kelli. Your cheerful optimism is so infectious as is your obvious love of music. We sang more things in more venues and formats than ever this year, and I have loved every minute of it. I can’t wait to see where we go and what we do and how we sound next season :-)” – Cate
“The joy of singing with a choir never grows old. We learn the music together and then, when we sing it well, it resonates in heart, body, and mind. I love sharing music with fellow singers and sharing music with an audience. Choral music has great power to heal and strengthen and bring us together.” – MaryAlice
“I love singing with the Chorale because it is more than just singing with a group, it is singing with a talented group of singers that become your friends.” – Rick W.
“Chorale is fun; l learn a lot. It’s my singing family!” – Lyn

Livingston County Choirs exists to provide musical excellence by uniting all people through inspiring concert performances, education, community engagement and support.